You should also be aware of the potential dangers that this environment can have-falling into a pit of stalagmites will hurt. It acts much like vines, breaking completely if one section is destroyed. Pointed dripstone creates the spikey interior of these caves.

These will form stalagmites and stalactites to give some variance to the usual blocky terrain. The second new biome is full of pointed dripstone and dripstone blocks. You'll be able to spot the location of Lush Caves by the Azalea trees that grow above them in the overworld terrain. Lush Caves are where you're most likely to find Minecraft axolotls (opens in new tab)-currently only found in underground water sources-and cave vines, glow berries (opens in new tab), and drip leaves should also grow in abundance here. While there are likely still dangers to look out for, this new biome gives the underground world of Minecraft a much more welcoming feel, adding an abundance of plant life to an otherwise sterile environment.

Click on update, let it finish, and you should be good to go. Click on this to see any updates that are available for your apps-Minecraft should be there.

Locate the 'Library' tile near the bottom of the menu on the left. Click on the update arrow, let it install, and you're ready to play. Give it a few seconds to populate and you should see Minecraft in the list. Click on this, then click the 'Manage Installs' button in the top right. Look for the 'My Collection' tile in the top left corner of the app, just beneath the Xbox logo. Bedrock Edition should also automatically update, but on the off-chance it doesn't, here's what you need to do using either the Xbox App or the Microsoft Store. If you've been playing Minecraft on PC for a while, it's likely you've got the Java Edition, which should update automatically through the launcher. (Image credit: Microsoft) How to update Minecraft Bedrock Edition on PC