Novation Launchkey 49 MIDI Controller (Best for Ableton) You also get 5 free melodics lessons (to learn piano or finger drumming) & bundled software – Ableton Live Lite! If you do eventually upgrade, it will be due to luxury and preference, over form and factor. This is a keyboard that will last you a very long time. Along with the stupidly vast amount of mappable buttons, you won't need to invest in an extra drum pad, a MIDI knob device or anything else for that matter. With 61 keys, you'll have 5 full octaves to play around with, which is extremely useful for future-proofing even if you won't use those notes now, there will be a point when you expand your keyboard playing skills and this will come in handy. There's no controller that provides better value for money. With an incredible array of MIDI buttons, and a large span of notes to choose from, it's definitely the best choice for a budget, home studio. If you have a hands on approach to music production, the V161 is the perfect budget midi keyboard controller.

In our opinion, there aren't many midi controllers at this price range, that stack up to the versatile V161 keyboard controller, by Alesis.